Saturday, January 8, 2011

History of Teriyaki

Most of the well-known dishes of modern Japanese cuisine appeared during the Edo age (1603 – 1867), when urbanization, changes in agricultural methods, and exposure to new ingredients from abroad gave rise to new styles of cooking. Food historians believe that teriyaki was first made by Japanese cooks in the seventeenth century, along with other dishes incorporating roasted or grilled meat. The special sauce distinguishes teriyaki from other recipes. Teriyaki dishes became popular in the United States during the 1960s, when Japanese restaurants began to proliferate. Teriyaki chicken, pork, beef or fish remains a popular Japanese dish in the West. Many variations of teriyaki sauce have been created, and modern chefs use the sauce with novel ingredients to create new teriyaki dishes.


Sonia Traveler said...

hahaha teach me how to cook Teriyaki ok? ^^
your blog is fascinating..two thumbs up!!

ClassiCalm said...

what kinds of fish meat is the best for teriyaki?

Brain Eka Wijaya Oei said...

@Sonia Traveler :
Thank's for your compliment
Your blog is also awesome
I really appreciate your comment

@ClassiCalm :
I think Yellowtail, Salmon, and Tuna are really suit for teriyaki, You can also try Gindara (Cod Fish), known as "Kasuzuke" in Japanese, It's also very delicious.

Bored with Fish? You can also try some seafoods for your teriyaki, such as :
Scallops, Unagi (Moray Eel), Octopus, or Calamari (Edible Squits)

Andy Block said...

Didn't read. Stayed long enough only to leave this message - please don't play music without asking the viewer first! At least give me a way to shut it off! Thumbs down. I wish I could stay, listen to the music I already have playing, and read about teriyaki, but your blog won't let me.

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